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Graded Reading - Pre-intermediate - March 2014

Wednesday, 19 March 2014
Graded Reading - Pre-intermediate - March 2014 'Creative Commons Coniston Water shoreline' by Barry is copyrighted and licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Did you know that the highest mountain in England is in the Lake District?  Find out more about this area in this month's graded reader at a pre-intermediate level.

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The Lake District

The Lake District is an area in the North West of England famous for its lakes, forests and mountains, which are still called by their old Norse name of fells. There are 19 major lakes in the Lake District and many minor ones which are called tarns. The area is commonly called as The Lakes. Because of the natural beauty of the area, it attracts millions of visitors each year, many of whom go walking on the fells. The highest mountain in The Lakes and in England is called Scafell Pike and has a height of 978m.

One of the lakes is called Coniston Water and is where Donald Campbell set the world water speed record in 1958. Donald Campbell was killed on this lake in 1967 trying to set a new world record. in a boat named Bluebird. This is still remembered in the local town of Coniston where you can enjoy a locally produced beer called Bluebird Bitter. In England, beer is not sold in litres, but in pints which are just over half a litre.

The Lake District - Comprehension Questions

1. What is the name of the highest mountain In England?

2. In what year was Donald Campbell killed?

3. What was the name of Donald Campbell's boat?

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published in March 2014
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Last modified on Wednesday, 14 February 2018 14:00

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