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Elementary - Modal verb 'Should'

Monday, 08 June 2009
"You shouldn’t watch too much tv" "You shouldn’t watch too much tv" Designed by Freepik

English grammar lesson on-line for elementary level students - An explanation of the use of the modal verb 'should' with audio explanation and printable exercises.





should go to bed earlier.





shouldn't watch so much TV.


Should / Shouldn't

The modal verb should (negative: shouldn't) is used to make recommendations or give advice. When it is a good or not a good thing to do.
Should / shouldn't have the same form in all persons.
Should is followed by the infinitive without to.

  • She should go to bed earlier. She goes to bed very late and she's always tired.
  • It's a good film. You should go and see it.
  • He shouldn't work so much.


Should English Power (C) 2010
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published in Modals
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Last modified on Monday, 25 September 2017 12:30

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