Step up a level with our free intermediate English grammar lessons, including tenses, adverbs and adjectives and nouns and pronouns.
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Present Tense
This free overview offers detailed insights into the use of present simple tense (I watch television) and present continuous tense (I am watching television).
Past Tense
This review covers the past simple tense (I walked to school) and past continuous tense (I was walking to school).
Present Perfect Tense
A detailed review of the present perfect tense, including the differences between simple and continuous present perfect tenses.
Past Perfect Tense
In this review, you'll gain an understanding of perfect past tense and the differences between past perfect simple and past perfect continuous tenses.
Adjectives and Adverbs
These detailed grammar points explore the use of adjectives (words that describe an action) and adverbs (words that give more information about an action) for intermediate English students.
These grammar points give valuable details on using modals, which are types of verbs that can be used with other verbs to describe permission, obligation or possibility, such as 'may', 'should' or 'can'.
Conditional tenses are used in sentences which speculate about something happening, for example, 'If it rains, the ground will get wet'. There are three different types of conditional tenses, and in this overview, which includes exercises to help you improve your understanding, you'll learn how to recognise and use all types of conditional tenses.
Reported speech
When relaying what a person has said to you, you're using reported speech. This review shows you how to recognise and use reported speech.
Nouns and pronouns
This intermediate review gives thorough detail on the use of nouns (words which are the object or subject of a verb, like 'cat' or 'chair') and pronouns (words which are used in place of nouns to describe participants, such as 'he' and 'I').
This overview teaches intermediate students how to use prepositions, which are words used to show the place, position or time of nouns or pronouns.
For example, in the sentence 'she sat beside the bed', 'beside' is the preposition.
Relative clauses
A detailed overview of the uses of the relative pronouns. Learn the differences between these pronouns with this intermediate level grammar lessons with exercises to help you understand.
Verb patterns
Sometimes in a sentence, one verb follows another. This is called a verb pattern. There are different types of pattern. When you learn a new verb, you need to learn the verb pattern. Some verbs have more than one possible pattern.