Adjectives and Adverbs
These detailed grammar points explore the use of adjectives (words that describe an action) and adverbs (words that give more information about an action) for intermediate English students.
Each and every - Rules and exercises for intermediate level
Written by Barbara WadsworthThis is an overview of the rules for using each and every with exercises that will help intermediate students to get it right, each and every time. Use this online lesson to learn and practise the use of 'each and every' in English.
Still, yet and already - Rules and exercises for intermediate level
Written by Barbara WadsworthAn overview of the uses of still, yet and already which explains what rules you need to follow when using these adverbs, with examples and exercises to help you learn. This online lesson in English grammar is designed for inetermediate level students.
Word Formation Suffixes -ful -less - Rules and exercises for intermediate level
Written by James WadsworthAn overview of the word formation suffixes -ful and -less which explains what rules you must follow when using these suffixes, with examples and exercises to help you learn. This online lesson is designed for intermediate level students.
Adverbs From Adjectives - Rules and exercises for intermediate level
Written by Holly WoodAn overview of the adverbs from adjectives which explains what rules you must follow when using these words, with examples and exercises to help you learn. This online lesson is designed for intermediate level students.
Adjective Word Order- Rules and exercises for intermediate level
Written by Holly WoodAn overview of the adjectives word order which explains what rules you need to follow when using adjectives in English with examples and exercises to help you learn. This online lesson in English grammar is designed for intermediate level studens.
In the elementary lesson of 'Adjectives' we looked at the basic adjective types and the word order of adjectives. In the intermediate lesson we build on these foundations by revising the basics of the the elementary level and studying the use of more advanced adjective word orders with printable exercises.
Comparative and Superlative Adjectives - Rules and exercises for intermediate level
Written by Stephanie DavidsonAn overview of the comparative and superlative adjectives which explains what rules you need to follow when using adjectives in English with examples and exercises to help you learn. This online lesson in English grammar is designed for intermediate level students.
In the elementary lesson of 'Comparative and Superlative Adjectives' we looked at the basic structure and spelling rules for comparative and superlative adjectives. In the immediate lesson we build on these foundations by revising the basics of the the elementary level and studying the use of more advanced structures with printable exercises.