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Graded Reading - Elementary - January 2014

Tuesday, 21 January 2014
Graded Reading - Elementary - January 2014 'Creative Commons Rainbow over the Liverpool waterfront' by William Starkey is copyrighted and licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0


One of the most popular bands of all times comes from Liverpool, The Beatles. Find out more about this city in this month's graded reader at an elementary level.

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Liverpool is Britain's second biggest port, after London.

It stands on the banks of the River Mersey in north-west England. It is an important passenger port for travel to Ireland and many Irish immigrants live there. It has a population of nearly 500,000.

Its history

King John named Liverpool in 1207. The city grew bigger in the 18th century when it became an important trade centre for sugar, spices, and slaves between Africa, Britain, the Americas, and the West Indies.

Its music

Liverpool's most famous mursicians are the Beatles. In the 1960s this British rock group was popular all over the world. They had 30 top ten hits. They were all born in Liverpool and started the grouo there in 1959. They first played at a night club called the Cavern and then travelled the world. One of them, Paul McCartney, is now one of the richest musicians in the world. Many tourists visit Liverpool to see the homes of the Beatles.

Liverpool - Comprehension Questions

1. How many people live in Liverpool?

2. What is the name of its river?

3. Why is the city famous in the world?

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published in January 2014
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Last modified on Wednesday, 14 February 2018 14:01

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