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Looking for fun ideas for your Halloween party?

Sunday, 21 October 2018
Teenagers taking a selfie in a Halloween party Halloween party Designed by Freepik

If you want to organise a fun Halloween party for family and friends, here are some good ideas for games that are not expensive.

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Graded Reader - Elementary Level

When you send out the invitations, ask each guest to bring some scary Halloween food to the party. Also ask them to give imaginative names to the food, for example 'zombie eyeballs' for stuffed olives or 'witches' hair' for spaghetti. It's amazing how many different ideas people have!

Start the party by deciding who is the winner of the best costume and giving a small prize. Then if there are any children, it is fun to knock on the doors of people you know to show them your costumes and say 'trick or treat'. Don't forget a Halloween bag or bucket to collect any treats (usually sweets or chocolates). In Britain, people, who have treats ready to give you, often have a lighted pumpkin outside their door.

When everyone returns to the party house it is time for apple bobbing. Simply put big apples in a large bowl of water. Both children and adults love trying to bite a piece of apple without using their hands. Beware - usually you all get wet!

After this everyone is usually hungry, so it is a good moment to serve the Halloween party food. Make sure you read the funny labels as you get your food!

Then it is ghost story time! Sit all the adults and children in a circle in the dark with a torch to pass round. Before the party prepare some sentences for the story. Write or print these clearly on small pieces of card and place them in a witches' hat. Good examples would be:

There was a scream from the cemetery...

The wind whistled loudly and there was a sudden knock at the door...

A headless man entered the building...

The wizard waved his magic wand...

The black cat began to mew...

Choose a person to take the first sentence from the hat and to read it out while shining the torch to light up their face. They then pass the torch to the next person who picks another sentence to read. The spooky story soon develops with everyone having a turn. Encourage all the people to make the sound effects.

A good way to finish the evening is with marshmallows toasted on sticks over some tall candles. A playlist of songs on a Halloween theme, such as 'Thriller', 'Killer Queen', 'Ghostbusters', or 'Scooby Doo' is also popular and guests can sing along.

Internet Sources

History Channel: Halloween around the World. Available from: https://www.history.com/topics/halloween/halloween-around-the-world [06/10/18]

Guy Sports: Funny Halloween Games for Kids. Available from: http://www.guy-sports.com/humor/halloween_games_kids.htm [06/10/18]

Looking for fun ideas for your Halloween party? Comprehension questions

1. What does the writer suggest we write on the food labels for stuffed olives and spaghetti?

2. What phrase do you need to say when visiting the neighbours in your costume on Halloween?

3. During the ghost story, what does each player do with the torch while reading their sentence card?

4. At the end of the evening, what can the guests do while they are toasting marshmallows?

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published in Graded Reading 2018
Read 13479 times
Last modified on Sunday, 21 October 2018 19:43