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Lectura graduada - Elemental - Agosto 2014

Viernes, 11 Julio 2014
Lectura graduada - Elemental - Agosto 2014 'Creative Commons A quick geography lesson' by Anne Debenham is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0

Reino Unido, Gran Bretaña y las islas británicas

¿Cuál es la diferencia entre el Reino Unido, Gran Bretaña y las islas británicas? Averígualo con la  lectura graduada de nivel elemental de este mes.

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UK, Great Britain and the British Isles - What's the difference?

The United Kingdom (UK) is a country separated from the European continent by the English Channel. It is officially known as the ‘United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland’. The UK combines four countries and many small islands.

The four countries within the United Kingdom are England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The Queen is head of the United Kingdom. All four countries were originally separate nations. People in the UK are called British, even though they may have different nationalities.

Great Britain is the largest island and combines England, Scotland and Wales. It is often known as Britain. Each country has its own capital. The capital city of England is London. London is also the capital of the UK. The capital city of Wales is Cardiff. The capital city of Scotland is Edinburgh.

The British Isles is a term used to describe the two islands of Great Britain and Ireland, together with the many smaller islands around the coast. Great Britain and Ireland are separated by the St George’s Channel. Only Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom. The southern part of Ireland is known as Eire, and is an independent country.


UK, Great Britain and the British Isles – Comprehension questions

1. What is the official name of the UK?

2. Which is the largest island in the United Kingdom?

3. What is the British Isles?

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published in Agosto 2014
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