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Elemental- Verbos modelo

Lunes, 01 Junio 2009
She enjoys/ loves/ likes sailing She enjoys/ loves/ likes sailing Travel image created by Bearfotos - Freepik.com

Un resumen de cómo se forman los verbos principales, de los tiempos verbales y modelos para estudiantes de nivel elemental.

There are different verb patterns when one verb follows another verb.

Verb + infinitive
I want to go home.
We'd like to have holiday.
We've decided to get married!
I hope to see you soon.
Verb + -ing
He enjoys/ loves/ likes sailing.
It stopped/ started raining.
Adjective + infinitive
It was nice to meet you.
It's easy to make mistakes.
It's difficult to understand what he saying.

Infinitive of purpose

The infinitive can express why a person does something.

  • I'm saving my money to buy a CD player.
  • We are going to Paris to have a holiday.
  • She's on a diet to lose weight.
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