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Elemental- La voz pasiva

Lunes, 01 Junio 2009
It was not cleaned yesterday It was not cleaned yesterday Kitchen image created by Katemangostar - Freepik.com

Lecciones de gramática inglesa online para estudiantes de nivel elemental- una explicación de la voz pasiva con ejercicios para imprimir.

Positive and Negative

present simple

past simple


is (not)
are (not)

spoken in Italy.
made in China.
cleaned yesterday.

was (not)
were (not)


present simple

past simple

Where is (not)
are (not)

the post delivered?
English spoken?
Toyota cars made?

was (not)
were (not)

1) We use the passive form to say what happens to people and things, to say what is done to them.
The past participle of regular verbs is -ed.

  • The office is cleaned every day.
  • My children aren't helped with their homework.
  • The project was completed on time.
  • When was the telephone invented?

2) There are many common irregular verbs. For the complete list see Irregular verbs.

  • English is spoken all over the world.
  • Fiat cars are made in Italy.
  • Those houses were built 80 years ago.
  • Where is Coca Cola made?
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