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Pasado perfecto simple- reglas y ejercicios de nivel intermedio

Viernes, 11 Septiembre 2009
Example of the past perfect: They had eaten all the food. Example of the past perfect: They had eaten all the food. “33/365 An empty fridge” by Steven Mileham is licensed under CC BY 2.0

 Un resumen sobre el pasado perfecto simple que explica las reglas que necesitas saber para utilizar este tiempo verbal, con ejemplos y ejercicios. Esta lección online de gramática inglesa está dirigida a estudiantes de nivel intermedio.

Past Perfect is used when an action in the past was completed before another action in the past.


The form of the Past Perfect is the same for all persons.

Positive and negative

I / You

She / He / It

We / You / They

'd (had)


seen him before.

finished work at 5 o'clock.


Where had

I /You

She / He / It

We / You / They

been before?

Short Answer

Had he already left?

Yes, he had.

No, he hadn't.

Points to note

The past perfect is always used with one of the past tenses to indicate the sequence of past actions.


1. The Past Perfect is used to make clear that one action in the past happened before another action in the past.

  • When I opened the fridge, I noticed that someone had finished the milk for breakfast.
  • They entered the room and hardly recognized it as someone had completely changed the furniture!
  • She went back home because she'd forgotten her keys.
  • When it started raining, she had already got home.
  • When we started the car, we realized that we had run out the petrol.

2. We use the Past Perfect only when it is strictly necessary to clarify which past action happened first. Otherwise we use the Past Simple.
Notice the use of the Past Perfect and the Past Simple in the following sentences:

  • When she got to the party, Tom went home. ( First she arrived, then Tom left)
  • When she got to the party, Tom had gone home. (First Tom left, then she arrived)

To study the past simple click here.
To study the present perfect continuous click here.

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Modificado por última vez en Domingo, 05 Febrero 2017 22:27

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