Relative clauses with ‘Who’, ‘That’, and ‘Which’ – Exercise 1
Escrito por Barbara WadsworthDomingo, 19 Febrero 2017

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Practise relative clauses with ‘Who’, ‘That’, and ‘Which’ by making two sentences into one, as in this example:
A girl was injured in the accident. She is now in hospital.
The girl, who was injured in the accident, is now in hospital.

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Try these ones yourself:
The rider was thrown from the horse. He will not get back in the saddle.
The cat was run over. It was taken to the vets.
The can rolled under the wheels of a car. It was crushed.
The umbrella got blown inside out. It was ruined.
Modificado por última vez en Domingo, 02 Abril 2017 21:55