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Scritto da Barbara Wadsworth
Domenica, 20 Gennaio 2019
Cerca di capire quale metodo di studio funziona meglio per te: non siamo tutti uguali. Pensa a cosa ti è servito di più per imparare in passato e continua su quella strada.
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published in
101 Ways to learn English
Letto 3964 volte
Ultima modifica il Lunedì, 21 Gennaio 2019 22:46
Barbara Wadsworth
Hi, I’m Barbara. I am passionate for the English language and I have been so since I was little. I love this language so much I even graduated in English language and literature. After working as an editorial assistant for an international publisher for a few years, I decided I wanted to go back to my passion and today I am content manager for weloveTeachingEnglish. It couldn’t have been any different!