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Word order: exercise 2

Domenica, 14 Ottobre 2018
Couple having dinner with wine I am happy with the wine (very) Designed by Freepik
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Rewrite the sentences to include the word in brackets.

1. Ann doesn’t drink tea (often).
2. They go for a run on Wednesdays (always).
3. She will find out who it was (never).
4. They wanted to eat lunch (both).
5. We knew it was too late (all).
6. I am happy with the wine (very).
7. They enjoyed the party (both).
8. The weather is good in July (always).
9. It rains in April (often).
10. We were in the coffee shop last week (never).

Letto 4700 volte
Ultima modifica il Sabato, 27 Ottobre 2018 20:53


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