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Avanzato- Verbi modali ausiliari: Esercizio 2

Venerdì, 12 Luglio 2019
You are late Advanced - Modal Auxiliary Verbs: I should have known you would be late. Business photo created by jcomp - www.freepik.com

Riscrivi le frasi con le opzioni date e poi controlla le risposte.


Perhaps she jumped

A. may have

B. could have

A. She may have jumped. B. She could have jumped.

1. Maybe he said that. She can't remember now.

A. might have
B. could have

A. ___________ B. ______________

2. Perhaps she saw us.

A. could have
B. might have

A. ___________ B. ______________

3. I think we took the wrong turn, we're lost.

A. must have

A. ___________

4. They wondered out loud as to what to do next.

A. shall

A. ___________

5. I wish they had seen it. It was spectacular!

A. should have

A. ___________

6. Perhaps when I'm 80 I won't remember him

A. will have forgotten

A. ___________

7. It is possible to have happened but not likely.

A. could have

A. ___________

8. You should have listened to them from the beginning.

A. ought to have

A. ___________

9. It was possible for him to go but he didn't.

A. could have

A. ___________

10. I ought to have known that you would be late.

A. should have

A. ___________

Letto 4525 volte
Ultima modifica il Martedì, 23 Luglio 2019 14:42


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